
Faction Doctrines

A Reven player may choose one, and only one, of the Doctrines below. You gain all of the benefits of the choosen Doctrine.
Tomukh Doctrine
Any Reven model with Tough that is killed by defensive strikes during combat may make 1 re-roll of a missed Tough check.
Each Activation, a single model in the Activating Troop may choose to become Enraged. An Enraged Model may suffer a -1 penalty to its DV for each +1 bonus it wishes to gain to its MAV up to the number of #MAs it has. This temporary bonus and penalty go away at the conclusion of all Defensive Strikes. Enraged may be used in combination with other Melee SAs like First Strike and Frenzy.
Noghra Doctrine
If 5 or more models with the Mob SA are attacking the same target, their support bonus increases to +2 instead of +1
Mob Mentality
Models with the Mob SA attempting to Move into B2B contact with a Fearsome model gain a +1 DIS bonus if there is at least one friendly Model already in B2B with the Fearsome model.
Giants Among Us
The Hill Giant becomes non unique but is limited to 1 for every 2 leader led troops.

Warlord Benefits

Warlords bring a certain presence with them to the battlefield. When fielding a Warlord, the following benefits are gained:

Warlord: Benefit: Notes:
Gronkelfibbets and Mazak Frenzied Charge All goblins in Mazak's troop gain Rush Attack.
Kiakara, Queen of Khans Worshipped All Leaders in an army led by Kiakara can perfrom Leader Only Actions as Free Actions. They are still Non-Repeatable.
Varaug the Great, Bull Orc Death Cry When a Bull Orc in Varaug's troop dies they let out a horrific blood curdling roar. All models in B2B with them must make a DIS check or become shaken.


Equipment for Leaders, Elites, & Solitaires

Name: Type: Cost: Notes:
Armor of Command Armor 10 Model gains the Mob Leader SA. If the model already had the Mob Leader SA, it may take 10 Mob models intead of 5.
Bonesplitter Weapon 20 UNIQUE: Model gains the Cleave SA. If the model already had the Cleave SA, it gains the Mighty SA intead.
Fire Keg Special 20 UNIQUE: Model gains Innate Spell (Fireball) with a Range of "Casting Model". If the model has no CP, it gains CP 7. When this item is used, the equipped model is destroyed and removed from play as a casualty.


Any Spellcasters with access to the appropriate Tomes may chose from these spells as well


Name: Battle Cry
Cost: 3
Type: Non-Attack
Range: 18
AoE: N/A
# Affected:   1
Affect: Roar
Notes: Target Model gains the Roar SA until it uses the ability once.


Name: Frenzied Charm
Cost: 3
Type: Non-Attack
Range: N/A
AoE: N/A
# Affected:   All models in the Spellcaster's Troop
Affect: Frenzy
Notes: All models in the Spellcaster's Troop gain the Frenzy SA until the end of the Troop�s current Activation.


Name: Ignite
Cost: 2
Type: Attack
Range: 18
AoE: 3"
# Affected:   All Enemy
Affect: Burning
Notes: This spell must target a Burning model. All enemy models in the AoE become Burning too. Any enemy models that were already burning before this spell was cast, including the target model, take 1 point of damage.